Margaret Arthur
Special Counsel
Margaret is a Special Counsel with HopgoodGanim Lawyers and specialises in the area of succession law and elder law. She is also a Queensland Law Society Accredited Specialist (Succession Law).
/ Experience
She is one of only 45 accredited succession law specialists in Queensland.
Margaret’s main areas of practice include disputes arising out of wills and estates including family provision claims; all aspects of estate planning including Wills, superannuation and trusts; all aspects of guardianship and administration matters including applications to QCAT; intra-family matters such as co-residency arrangements, granny-flat agreements and reviews of Retirement Village and Residential Aged Care Agreements; and disputes arising out of Enduring Powers of Attorney and compensation claims for breach of duties. Margaret also accepts appointments as an Independent Administrator or Litigation Guardian in estate administration and dispute matters.
/ Recognition
- Featured in The Best Lawyers in Australia™ 2024-2025 for Health and Aged Care Law
- Recognised in Doyle’s Guide as a Leading Wills, Estates and Succession Planning Lawyer – Queensland (2023-2024)
/ Appointments
- Chair of the Health and Disability Committee of the Queensland Law Society
- Member of the Qld Law Society’s Succession Law Committee
- Member of the Management Committee of the Caxton Legal Centre