Pro bono services

We use our legal expertise, platform and profile to deliver impact and outcomes through pro bono legal services

Our Pro Bono impact strategy is focused on delivering long-term changes in three impact areas: First Nations communities, environmental disasters, and domestic and family violence.

First Nations communities / Working with First Nations communities to achieve the outcomes they want to achieve.

Environmental disasters
/ Working to mitigate the impact of environmental disasters.

Domestic and family violence
/ Working to reduce domestic and family violence.

Artwork by Yaegl visual artist Frances Belle Parker

Our partners and promoters

Our partners and promoters include targeted referral centres, community legal centres, not-for-profits and charities, law associations and committees and human rights organisations. We also partner with our commercial clients and connections where appropriate to scale up our support for our pro bono clients.

Our clients

Our pro bono clients include:

  • Organisations advocating for systemic reform: By supporting organisations focused on systemic reform, we help to scale up impact and tackle legal issues holistically to effect wider change.
  • Not-for-profits (NFPs) and charities: By providing legal assistance to NFPs and charities, we can help them to scale up their services and invest in their purpose.
  • Community Legal Centres (CLCs): CLCs are generally best placed to triage and connect individuals in need of pro bono legal services. By working with CLCs we ensure that our pro bono legal assistance is directed to those most in need.
  • First Nations controlled organisations: By lending our legal support to First Nations controlled organisations, we ensure that First Nations peoples have a voice, platform, power and control over the issues that impact them.
  • First Nations communities: By working directly with First Nations communities, we support community-led solutions and self determination.
  • Individuals: By dedicating a portion of our pro bono legal work to working with individuals, we can help to bridge the access to justice gap.


How to get legal help

HopgoodGanim Lawyers cannot accept direct requests for pro bono support. Depending on the location and nature of your matter, please contact your local Community Legal Centre (Qld or WA), Legal Aid service (Qld or WA), LawRight (Qld) or LawAccess (WA) for further legal assistance.