What is the proposed offshore development zone?
On 24 October 2023, the Federal Government opened consultation on Australia’s fifth offshore wind energy development zone, proposing an area of more than 10,000 square kilometres off the north coast of Tasmania, in the Bass Strait (Proposed Zone).
The Proposed Zone extends from Bridport to Burnie, with its distance from the shore ranging from a minimum of 20km away, to over 50km in many places.
The Federal Government has advised that the Bass Strait is well suited for supporting an offshore wind industry as:
- it has strong, consistent winds;
- it is close to areas of high electricity demand and has significant transmission, transport and port infrastructure already in place; and
- the industry is very interested in developing projects in the area.
The electricity generated by the Proposed Zone will supply renewable energy into the grid and to industries with high energy demand.
How to make a submission on the Proposed Zone?
To make a submission on the Proposed Zone, you will be required to:
- read the consultation documents;
- attend the community information sessions (commencing 4 December 2023); and
- complete the survey.
Consultation closes on Wednesday, 31 January 2024.
The Minister for Climate Change and Energy will consider all issues raised through public submissions. The survey is not a poll but an avenue to raise region specific issues to help inform the Minister’s decision when declaring whether the area is suitable for offshore wind development.
If the area is declared, there will be further opportunities for feedback when proponents begin studying the area and developing plans for offshore infrastructure.
No energy projects can commence until the Minister has declared an area.
Extracted from: https://consult.dcceew.gov.au/oei-bass-strait
We will continue to monitor this and provide updates as they become available.
To read our updates on the other declared areas, please click here.
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