HopgoodGanim family law practitioner wins inaugural Buckley Memorial Prize

Media Release

1 min. read


HopgoodGanim Lawyers is delighted to congratulate Partner Kathleen Coggins on being named the inaugural recipient of the Buckley Memorial Prize this week. 

The award, sponsored by the Family Law Practitioners Association of Queensland (FLPA) and the Child Protection Practitioners Association of Queensland (CPPAQ), was presented to Kathleen following the submission of her paper, “The Paramountcy Principle: in the context of relocation disputes” in June 2016. 

The paper reflects upon how the Courts in Australia determine relocation matters in the context of the paramountcy principle and whether it is necessary for a distinct and concise set of principles to be applied by the Courts to adequately determine a child’s best interests in emerging times.

Kathleen practices exclusively in family law, has extensive experience advising on relocation matters, international disputes, family violence and general parenting issues that arise upon the breakdown of a relationship and is key member of HopgoodGanim’s nationally-acclaimed Family Law team. 

The Buckley Memorial Prize was established in early 2016 to recognise the contribution of the late Honourable Justice Neil Buckley to the development of Family Law in Queensland.

|By HopgoodGanim Lawyers