Queensland to review coexistence principles, including CSG-induced subsidence management

In June 2022, the Queensland Government released the Queensland Resources Industry Development Plan (QRIDP) which establishes the state’s long-term vision for the resources industry. The Department of Resources (the Department) has subsequently undertaken extensive stakeholder engagement since the release of the draft QRIDP and has released the discussion paper: Coexistence institutions & CSG-induced subsidence management framework (the Consultation Paper).

The Consultation Paper is split into two sections, Part A and Part B. 

Subsidence management

Part A of the Consultation Paper outlines proposed amendments to implement a risk-based management framework for CSG-induced subsidence and land access risk assessment framework in relation to preliminary and advanced activities. The regulatory requirements will be proportionate to the risk identified through a risk assessment process and include consideration of impacts within the area of a resource tenure and those that may occur outside the tenure area.  

The proposed reforms contemplate amendments to the Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014 and associated regulations, with a view to introducing the proposed subsidence management framework as set out below:

Extracted from https://www.resources.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/1769193/coexistence-institutions-csg-induced-subsidence.pdf. 

Under the proposed framework, an agreement between landholders and tenure holders, informed by a subsidence management action plan, will be required to complete a farm field and intra-farm assessment. This must be completed according to the timing in the subsidence impact report, or at least 12 months prior to the commencement of CSG production within three kilometres of a farm field boundary. For a breakdown of the framework, please click here

Review of coexistence institutions

Part B of the Consultation Paper outlines proposed reforms to Queensland’s coexistence institutions, and represent the government’s direction for Queensland’s coexistence institutions consistent with the policy position announced in August 2023.

The review seeks to ensure that institutions are delivering successful coexistence outcomes and offering coexistence-related services for existing and emerging industries. The proposed reforms contemplate amendments to the:

  • GasFields Commission Act 2013; and
  • Land Access Ombudsman Act 2017.

The reforms may also include consequential amendments to other legislation. 

How to make a submission?

The Department of Resources is seeking feedback on Part A and Part B of the Consultation Paper.  Stakeholder views and comments are encouraged and will be considered when drafting the proposed legislative amendments.  

To have your say, you can:

  • complete a survey from which allows comments under each of the amendments; or 
  • email your submission to [email protected] .

Consultation closes on Friday, 8 December 2023. 

For more information, please get in touch with HopgoodGanim’s Resources and Energy team

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